Tim Isaacs

August 9, 2020

The Newports and the Earl – 4 ‘Elizabeth Mitchell, wife of John Newport’

Elizabeth Mitchell has been incorrectly attributed as a partner to John Newport formerly John Harrison, the illegitimate son of Henry Newport the 3rd Earl Of Bradford.

August 9, 2020

The Newports and the Earl – 3 ‘John Harrison, later John Newport’

There are few primary sources located for John Harrison, the apparent illegitimate son of Henry Newport, the 3rd Earl of Bradford to Ann Smyth. My primary purpose here is an attempt to establish timelines and evidence that exists of John Newport’s likely movements.  Others may wish to obtain and explore the originals of documents.

August 3, 2020

The Newports and the Earl – 2 ‘Nelson’

Samuel, Joseph and Stephen Newport and their families travelled to Nelson in 1842 on the barque Sir Charles Forbes. Here we establish why they couldn't have been the sons of John Newport, formerly John Harrison (ca 1720-1783)