
August 15, 2020

The Newports and the Earl – 7 ‘The Coachmakers’

I have named this family "The Coachmakers'. Primarily residing in St Martin in the Fields, their names have been associated incorrectly with John Newport, formerly John Harrison, the son of Henry Newport 3rd Earl of Bradford. My thoughts in this story go to the wives and children. Their stories and lives must have been tragic.
August 11, 2020

The Newports and the Earl – 6 ‘New Prison – Clerkenwell’

Samuel Newport born 1797 at Great Missendon, Buckinghamshire was my direct ancestor. He travelled to New Zealand in 1842. In this post I identify the conflation of this Samuel with another Samuel Newport, the keeper of the Clerkenwell New prison, in the late 18th-early 19th century.
August 9, 2020

The Newports and the Earl – 5 ‘John Newport – buried Holborn, 1778’

In Dec 2019, I wrote to Find A Grave (and copied in the original contributor) with a request for edit of the entry at https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/137407989

August 9, 2020

The Newports and the Earl – 4 ‘Elizabeth Mitchell, wife of John Newport’

Elizabeth Mitchell has been incorrectly attributed as a partner to John Newport formerly John Harrison, the illegitimate son of Henry Newport the 3rd Earl Of Bradford.

August 9, 2020

The Newports and the Earl – 3 ‘John Harrison, later John Newport’

There are few primary sources located for John Harrison, the apparent illegitimate son of Henry Newport, the 3rd Earl of Bradford to Ann Smyth. My primary purpose here is an attempt to establish timelines and evidence that exists of John Newport’s likely movements.  Others may wish to obtain and explore the originals of documents.

August 3, 2020

The Newports and the Earl – 2 ‘Nelson’

Samuel, Joseph and Stephen Newport and their families travelled to Nelson in 1842 on the barque Sir Charles Forbes. Here we establish why they couldn't have been the sons of John Newport, formerly John Harrison (ca 1720-1783)
July 26, 2020

The Newports and the Earl – 1

It has been suggested that the Newport's of Nelson, New Zealand have family linkages to Henry Newport, the 3rd Earl of Bradford. A very hot summer, hiding indoors, gave me an opportunity to explore this suggestion.
July 26, 2020

Clement Dickson Burgess Morton

Clement Dickson Burgess was baptised in Manchester in 1837. There are 13 unexplained years between his appearance as a 13 year old errand boy  in Manchester (1851)  and  at age 26, the  birth of Clement's daughter Clara Morton in August 1863 in Invercargill, New Zealand.  I am investigating the appearance during this time, of Clement's newly appended surname, Morton.
July 25, 2020

Stirling Castle

First hand oral family history had my second great grandfather, Edward Clarke, arriving before 1870, to Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand from Shotts, Lanarkshire, Scotland.  He became the manager of an underground coal mine at Shag Point, 65 km north of Dunedin.