It has been suggested that the Newports of Nelson, New Zealand have linkages to Henry Newport, the 3rd Earl of Bradford.[i] This suggestion has made its way onto many internet published family trees.[ii] I have added several samples of these assertions to references (page 2), not to criticise the authors but to raise awareness of how easily the fog of suggestion may cloud critical thinking. All these suggestions have one thing in common; a lack of source or reasoned use of evidence.
Henry Newport, the 3rd Earl of Bradford has no familial connection with Samuel or Joseph or Stephen Newport and their families, who travelled to Nelson, New Zealand in 1842.
To show how I reached my evidence based conclusion, I will discuss; the Newports of Buckinghamshire, John Newport natural son of Henry Newport 3rd Earl of Bradford, some of the red herrings I have identified along the way, and perhaps of most interest I will start a discussion on the life and times of John Newport formerly John Harrison.
I should also note that I am continuing to undertake research into the lives of other (non-New Zealand associated) Newports from the relevant time periods.
I have a totally open mind to discussion and corrections so welcome your review and feedback. Please contact me or add information via the comments section of the post.
In following posts, I will review my research as follows;
- Newports of Nelson
- Newports of Buckinghamshire
- John Newport, son of Henry Newport, 3rd Earl of Bradford
- Lunatic or prisoner of politics and greed? – the life and times of John Newport
- Red Herrings
- Coachmakers
- Prison Warden
- Dorset
In the next section I will describe the Newport Family that travelled to New Zealand in 1842; the Newports of Nelson.
References follow on the page 2.